EPDM, butyl, flexible PVC? What are your options when constructing a new pond? Hints, tips and lots of ideas.
Arguably the hardest part of a customer’s pond building project is to reproduce in their own back garden the pond they have in their mind’s eye – which is most likely to be based on what they have seen from Mother Nature on their travels through . . . → Read More: Building a pond. Choosing the best pond liner.
A pond liner (rigid or flexible) is the unsung hero of a successful pond. A pond’s ability to hold water is only as good as the material used to construct it and rather ironically, the more reliable the pond liner the less notice we are likely . . . → Read More: Flexible pond liner or preformed pond. Which should I choose?
If you’ve ever been fortunate enough to visit the Lake District, or any other majestic inland water body, you would have witnessed the perfection that nature manages to effortlessly achieve without fail, in the design of her landscapes. She provides the model, against which we base . . . → Read More: Pond Liners – Rigid, Flexible, Butyl, UPVC
If you were to offer a sample of people the opportunity of having a pond installed in their garden, those that would decline would be in the minority.
Perhaps it is that fact that our bodies are predominantly made up of water, or we have an innate . . . → Read More: The garden pond market